Monthly Archives: January 2016

Why was CBS Covering for #WallStHillary after the Last Debate?

CBS did not post part 4 of the Democratic Party debate held in November. Why? Because it showed Hillary lying about her connections to Wall St. and Bernie Sanders exposing those ties.

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Hillary Clinton is no Progressive. Nominating her would be a Mistake.

On contentious issues that a Democratic politician could have lost political power for advocating, Hillary Clinton has acted more like a Republican, than a progressive. First, Clinton’s 2008 campaign against Obama was a more nuanced version of Trump’s insane rhetoric against Muslims and Mexican immigrants. According to The New York Times, South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn stated in 2008 that it was almost “unanimous” among African Americans that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were “committed to doing everything they possibly can to damage Obama to a point that he could never win.”..

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